Chapter 38

Compulsory Request


Nh? Hey, isn’t that the Guild Master and Petra-san? 」

「You’re right. I wonder why?」

「Aren’t they here to watch」

「The Guild Master? Going out of his way just to watch the mock battles? Don’t really think he has that much free time, you know?」

「Well that is true.」


While watching two other parties going at each other, the Guild Master and Petra-san entered the Training Area. According to Hang-san, it seems like the mock battles, or rather the Training Area, is a place the Guild Master doesn’t usually show up on.

The Guild Master calls the leaders of “Grim” and “Fyneh”, Grimhart and Audrey-san, and started talking to about something.


「A talk with two C Rank Parties? Is there an emergency or something? 」

「Considering that, they don’t really seem to be panicked, thought.」

「Yes. It’s not something of great urgency after all.」



That was scary. I didn’t notice that Petra-san, who should’ve had arrived together with the Guild Master, coming already this close to us. Maybe because she got offended by our reactions or something, Petra-san’s puffing her cheeks a bit. Still, that really wasn’t our fault, you know?


「Then, what’s the deal? 」

Ahh, right. We have a Request for the “Little Fairies”. 」


「It’s a Designated Request from the Guild. I don’t mind if you see it as a Compulsory Request.」


Compulsory Requests. In situations of high urgency, these request allow the Guild forcefully leave a job to Adventurers. Adventurers registered in the Guild basically don’t have any right to refuse it. But, still……



!? What do you mean? It’s not of high urgency, right!?」


Exactly; this time, Petra-san herself denies that it’s an emergency. Even still, giving us a Compulsory Request published in times of emergency is clearly abuse of the Guild’s authority.

When the Guild starts using the Adventurers as they please, the Kingdom’s order will end up crumbling down. It’s because as war potential, Adventurers are more just enough to bring down an entire city.

That’s why there are various conditions needed for the Guild to publish a Compulsory Request. In nature, just proclaiming a Compulsory Request itself is simple. But after a Guild announces a Compulsory Request, there will be inspections coming from Guild Headquarters. Was the Compulsory Request really needed? Is the designated party appropriate for it? Was the reward reasonable? They’ll come to inspect the details and facts.


「Including those, Master has an explanation for it. Please follow me.」


「Lily, let’s go.」


「Let’s hear them out. We’ll start there.」


With Urania prompting me so, I reluctantly follow behind Petra-san. It seems like the Guild Master is already done talking with both “Grim” and “Fyneh”, it looks like they’re just waiting for us.




「Let’s get straight to the point, the request this time is for an investigation.」



It’s not only us; even “Grim” and “Fyneh” was surprised too. Normally, a Compulsory Request comes after the Guild’s private investigators examine incidents with high urgency, disasters and stuff, and thereafter the collected information is then used in choosing the suitable Adventurers.

Despite that; this time, he asked us for an investigation. This is obviously an unusual case.


Ahh, Well, being surprised is normal, I guess. Well, for now I’ll explain so leave the questions for later. First, this time’s investigation will be at the highway at the foot of the sacred mountain two days east of Motsi. “Grim” and Lily probably remembers this, but this is where a swarm of eighteen Goblins were found.

Fortunately, the goblins are already exterminated. Still, according to the Guild’s investigators, it looks like there’s a high very possibility those Goblins were there trying to run away from something. What I want you to do is to investigate what exactly that『something』is. Does it really exist? If it does, how much of a threat is it? Is it possible to subjugate it? If subjugation is possible, you may consider it n extension of this request.

Ahh, also, eighteen frozen Goblin statues have been properly confirmed, so here’s the bonus reward. Take it, “Grim”.」



Saying that, the Guild Master chucks Grimhart a leather pouch; Grimhart catches the pouch……and wordlessly passes it to me.



「This, is something that Lily should have. We can’t accept this.」

Nn~…… Then let’s split it equally, okay? I’m telling you in advance, don’t worry and just take it!」


I can understand how Grimhart feels, but it’s a bit awkward to just take the money. In the first place, concerning the Goblins, you could have just judged it as me, not even being an adventurer at the time, stealing the prey from them; and I’m pretty sure that if “Grim” hadn’t collected the Proof of Subjugation and reported it to the Guild, we would never receive any bonus reward.

That’s why, this time I decided to have an equal split. It is quite a lot, so it’s plenty enough even if we split between six people.


「……Alright. This time I just take it as a debt.」

「You don’t really need to do that, though…」

Wha, wait wait, what’s are you talking about? 18 goblins, far from being D rank isn’t that already a C rank threat! Subjugation of that!? Done by “Grim” and her!?」


Unable to hold it in, Bia-san of “Fyneh” cut’s into our conversation. It seems like the other members of “Fyneh” feels the same way too, so “Grim” ended up talking about the time when we first met. Though the members of “Fyneh” look like they aren’t much convinced about it, since they’ve also seen my Magecraft during the mock battle, it seems like they just barely believed in it. They don’t seem that convinced about me, though.


「Are you done? So, what now? Will you take it? Or will you decline?」

「Decline? We don’t really have much of a choice, right?」

「Honestly speaking, yes.」

「So we can only accept it, right?」

「Please do.」


In cases where you reject a Compulsory Request, the Guild will judge it as you having no more intention to continue working as an adventurer and your Guild Card will be revoked. That’s why in reality, we really can’t choose to reject it, giving us no other choice.

But, well, maybe since this time it’s just mainly investigation, it seems like everyone’s accepting it without any hesitation. With the nature of Compulsory requests, there’s always the looming danger of losing your life. But this time, if it’s impossible for just us to eliminate it, we’re allowed to escape. Furthermore, with the nature of the request, the reward for doing it is a lot higher than that of the standard requests and we also earn a lot of service points for the Guild, so it’s going to be a shortcut for Ranking Up too.

Honestly speaking, other than us being forced to do it, this request is pretty tasty. Of course it’s not like I’m making light of that something that caused a swarm of goblins to run in fear, though.


「Alright, then we’ll be processing the acknowledgement of the requests. I’m hoping for a quick resolution.」



And with our separate answers that were in no means any organized, we began discussing to prepare for our departure.

Once again, I’m back from the dead! *clap*clap*clap*

I’m behind about seven or eight chapters, but I’m going to upload daily (except on Sunday) up until Valentines day! (So about 5 chapters)

I’m really sorry for the absence, I actually couldn’t focus much on translation since the author was on hiatus for about a month and more. I reaaally like this work and was too worried about it just stopping all of the sudden, I just blanked out for a few weeks.

Anyways, I’m back~ (And so are the goblins *sigh*)

I really miss all of you~ Well, see you tomorrow and have a nice day~

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22 thoughts on “Chapter 38

  1. Welcome back, and thanks for another chapter! Looking forward to more!

    That said…I came up with quite a few things that probably need revision. I wrote them all down, but it’s quite long overall (cause of the nature of the writing in particular)…so I’m not sure if you want me to simply paste it here in the comments or do something else with it…………….or not even bother, heh.

    Let me know~ ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What kind of stupid ss reasoning was that? She doesnt know the threat lvl, but also nonchalantly says she isnt underestimating it. Yet she still dares to accept it, while taking dead wright Urania along? Seriously?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wanna guess that the gobs were running away from Lily’s presences. She’s basically a quasi-deity when you think about it, and it would make sense for monsters (especially weak ones like a goblin) would be able to “feel” when a stronger monster moves into their territory. Perhaps the bears she ran into were in flight or fight and just rushed her because they felt cornered. If not Lily, then whatever it was is going to get a needle through the head.

    Liked by 2 people

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