Succubus-san’s Life Chapter 52 & Another One BITES THE DUST

I never said the next chapter will be on Friday. Dun-dun-dun

Little Fairies: Lily, Urania

Grim March: Grimhart, Gray, Lysha, Arisa, Jarvis

Invuerno Fyneh: Audrey, Bia, Emy, Jessica, Kety

Others: Guild Master

The Japanese-ish one here, the Script version here and the Englisher Script here. Well, look forward for tomorrow, Have a nice day and see you again!

Succubus-san’s Life Chapter 51 & Another One Late and Another One Late

Once again, it seems that I missed the Friday schedule. Anyhow, Heya! It’s a new chapter!

Little Fairies: Lily, Urania

Grim March: Grimhart, Gray, Lysha, Arisa, Jarvis

Invuerno Fyneh: Audrey, Bia, Emy, Jessica, Kety

The Japanese-ish one here, the Script version here and the Englisher Script here. Well, nothing more to say, Have a nice day and see you again!

Succubus-san’s Life Chapter 49 & Late ft. Windows Update

There are a myriad of unknown mysteries in this world. And why the hell Windows keeps on taking longer and longer to finish updating is one of them. Anyhow, the chapter’s up!

Little Fairies: Lily, Urania

Grim March: Grimhart, Gray, Lysha, Arisa, Jarvis

Invuerno Fyneh: Audrey, Bia, Emy, Jessica, Kety

The Japanese-ish one here, the Script one here and the Englisher Script here. Anyways, I’m a bit tired so have a good day and see you next week!

Succubus-san’s Life Chapter 48 & Yet Again Late

Heya! Who forgot to update? Me! So, well, here it is!

Little Fairies: Lily, Urania

Grim March: Grimhart, Gray, Lysha, Arisa, Jarvis

Invuerno Fyneh: Audrey, Bia, Emy, Jessica, Kety

The Japanese-ish one here, the Englisher one here, and, since the Named one sounded awful, the Script one here. Also, would you all mind if I just make two in script form and one original draft (the japanese-ish one)? I don’t really want to make a fourth one, it’s getting a bit out of hand. Anyways, have a good day and see you this Friday!

Succubus-san’s Life Chapter 47 & Another One

Heya! It’s Friday! A bit late, but here it is! But wait, I also added a new version for those of you having a hard time seeing the colors or just want the names before the dialogue! Well, go ahead, have fun reading!

Little Fairies: Lily, Urania

Grim March: Grimhart, Gray, Lysha, Arisa, Jarvis

Invuerno Fyneh: Audrey, Bia, Emy, Jessica, Kety

The Japanese-ish one here, the Englisher one here, and the Named one here. Have a good day and see you next week!